Members' PORTAL
Membership Categories
This is open to organizations/institutions/departments/companies that have an M&E function and wish to join and register their membership as an institution/group. This form of membership allows for up to up to 20 individuals from the institution/group to be members of UEA with one individual identified as the primary member/contact. Institutional/group membership attracts a one-time membership fee of Ushs 2,000,000 per organization, and annual subscription fees of Ushs 1,500,000 per organization for which they receive one invoice and receipt for the institution/group. UEA Executive Committee will verify group membership eligibility at the time of the group’s application. Group membership voting rights and holding office is tied to payment of annual subscription fees. 
Career professionals that have been in the practice of M&E for more than 3 years. Open to persons who self-fund their membership dues, as opposed to the dues being paid by their employer. This form of membership is intended for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practitioners. Membership remains with the individual even when they change employment. These members are entitled to all the rights of full membership including voting at AGMs and/or holding office. This type of membership attracts a one-time membership fee of Ushs 200,000 per member and annual subscription fees of Ushs 100,000. Voting rights and holding office is tied to payment of annual subscription fees. In the specific case of holding office, one should have been a member for at least three years and having paid annual subscriptions consistently. INSTITUTIONAL / GROUP MEMBERSHIP.
Graduating M&E students and runs for up to three years after your graduation date. Membership and annual subscription dues shall be half (3.4) of the full individual membership rate. This category of membership is not available to those who would qualify for membership under the Regular, Institutional or Affiliate membership categories. These members are entitled to all the rights of full membership. (One-time Membership fees: Ushs 100,000 /member & Annual Subscriptions fees: Ushs 50,000/Member)
Students enrolled in M&E degree-granting programs of accredited colleges/universities who have demonstrated interest in an M&E profession, and who are not employed full-time in the profession. Membership dues shall be half (1/2) of the full individual membership rate. This category of membership is not available to those who would qualify for membership under the Regular, Institutional or Affiliate membership categories. Student membership eligibility ends six months after the completion of the degree, or upon employment in the field, whichever comes first. These members are entitled to all the rights of full membership. (One-time Membership fees: Ushs. 100,000 /member & Annual Subscriptions fees: Ushs. 50,000/Member)
UEA Student membership provides you with the tools and resources you need to expand your expertise and start a career in monitoring and evaluation.
*Student members receive both print and online access to the Evaluation Journals and presentations at the National Evaluation Talks and Training events.
Affiliate membership is open to individuals whose work in one way or another supports the Monitoring and Evaluation function. It also applies to other organizations like sister Evaluation Associations that that may wish to become members of UEA, the Media, and information technology companies providing M&E supporting software and system platforms. Affiliate members are entitled to all the rights of full membership except for the ability to vote or hold office. One-time membership fees of Ushs 200,000 per individual member and annual subscription fees of Ushs 100,000 per member OR Ushs 2,000,000 per organization, and annual subscription fees of Ushs 1,500,000 per organization.
This category of membership applies to M&E professionals who are no longer eligible for active membership and who are nominated by members and approved by the Board of Trustees. Such individuals have: been members of the association for a significant number of years; and have made notable contributions in the M&E field or have made notable contributions to UEA. Honorary members shall not vote, hold office, or pay dues. Honorary Lifetime members who return to work profession must resume full dues-paying membership responsibilities and privileges in order to remain active in UEA.
How to join and benefits

A. Create an Account in the Members' Portal

  1. Click the "Create Account" link found at the top
  2. On clicking "Create Account", you will be prompted to fill a short form with your basic details
  3. On completion, submit the form. Your email address is the username.
B. Pay Membership and Subscription fees 
  1. Identify the membership category of your choice
  2. In the top right corner of the website, click the "Mobile Payments" link from our website
  3. Or, while logged into the members portal, click the "ePayments" link
  4. Input the amount you want to pay, reason, and mobile phone number (in format 256774114000)
  5. Click the initiate button for the system to prompt your mobile phone
  6. Approve the payment
  7. UEA will receive a notification and activate your membership
  8. However, please write to info@ugandaevaluationassociation.org to alert the secretariat that payment has been effected
C. Joing the Mailing List
Follow this link:
  1. LEARNING: UEA organizes annually in-person learning experiences through short-term CPD training workshops, the evaluation week, and the monthly national evaluation talks for members. Members receive significant discounts on workshop, conferences, and other fee charged events.
  2. NETWORKING: Membership includes participation in UEA’s working groups that address matters of interest in the profession and to members. Working groups for specific sectors also accord members with similar interests and professional foci to network. Members also receive regular newsletters and electronic updates regarding the latest happenings in the field and the Association, and a listing in and access to the UEA Online Membership database, a key resource for networking among colleagues.
  3. INFORMATION: Members receive information about global and regional evaluation events including online discussions through webinars on specific topics or advance in the M&E profession from Experts and Thought Leaders. Members also receive hardcopy and electronic subscriptions to other evaluation journals like AfrEA’s evaluation journals.
  4. PROMOTIONAL SERVICES: UEA through its website uploads member information from where users of evaluation services or contractors of Consultants can search the database for Evaluators of their choice.
  5. MENTORING AND INTERNSHIPS: UEA shall create opportunities for and coordinate the provision of internship placements for M&E students in at the UEA secretariat and with participating member organizations and individual members who provide consulting services in M&E.
Matthew Lubuulwa (Mr)
Vice President
Josephine Watera
General Secretary
Vicent Ssenyondo (Mr)
Sylvester Kato
Asst. General Secretary
Catherine Ssozi
Representative YEEs
Shakira Nacwa Kakungulu
UMI Representative
Nicholas Kizza
Representative Academia
Eugene Swinerstone Miheso
Representative NGOs
Mathias Mulumba Mayombwe

©© 2023 – Uganda Evaluation Association All rights reserved.

Located at Uganda Management Institute.
Jinja Road, Kampala.


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